Chileans Task Right-Wing Parties to Draft Their Next Constitution

May 9, 2023 | 17:37 GMT

Supporters of Chile's far-right Republican Party celebrate their victory in the Constitutional Council election on May 7, 2023.

Supporters of Chile's far-right Republican Party celebrate their victory in the Constitutional Council election on May 7, 2023.

(AVIER TORRES/AFP via Getty Images)

Right-wing parties' majority in the body helping draft Chile's new constitution may spark leftist protests in the near term, but it will also alleviate concerns about major constitutional changes that could erode the country's investment climate. Right-wing parties won 33 of 51 seats in a May 7 vote to select the assembly charged with drafting a new Chilean constitution, giving them a veto-proof majority in the Constitutional Council. Chile is currently undergoing its second constitutional rewrite process after voters rejected a proposed charter that would have significantly reformed the South American country's political and economic system in a September 2022 referendum. Unlike the first proposed constitution, which was written solely by a popularly elected body, the next iteration will be drafted by both the newly elected council and a group of experts picked by Congress. The inclusion of a panel of experts in the rewrite process, combined with the right-wing's...

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