Disputes Over a Prime Minister Appointment Bode Ill for Haiti's Stability

May 2, 2024 | 21:23 GMT

A Haitian police officer controls the area around the country's National Palace in Port-au-Prince on May 1, 2024.
A Haitian police officer controls the area around the country's National Palace in Port-au-Prince on May 1, 2024.

(CLARENS SIFFROY/AFP via Getty Images)

In Haiti, the reversal in the appointment of a new prime minister highlights political tensions within the governing body, indicating risks of further political instability and violence in the coming months. On May 1, Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) announced that it would reverse its selection for the country's new interim prime minister, less than two days after it had announced its original pick, and will instead revisit a list of applicants to make a new selection. On April 30, the TPC announced it had selected Fritz Belizaire, a largely unknown political figure who previously served as Sports Minister under President Rene Preval from 2006 to 2010. The TPC had picked Belizaire the same day it elected Edgard Leblanc Fils, whose position as council president seemingly remains assured. Fils is a member of the Organization of the Struggling People party who previously served as president of the Haitian Senate and...

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