Gauging the Outlook for Energy Reforms in Argentina

Mar 18, 2024 | 17:39 GMT

The Argentine state-owned oil and gas company YPF’s refinery in Berisso, Buenos Aires, is seen on Oct. 18, 2022.
The Argentine state-owned oil and gas company YPF’s refinery in Berisso, Buenos Aires, is seen on Oct. 18, 2022.

(JUAN MABROMATA/AFP via Getty Images)

In Argentina, political and economic challenges will impede the government's plans to unleash the Vaca Muerta shale formation and the country's full energy production potential by deregulating the oil and gas sectors, at least in the short term. Three months after the libertarian Javier Milei took over as Argentina's president, his plans to overhaul the country's energy sector remain in limbo. In late December, the Argentine government unveiled a so-called ''omnibus bill'' that included more than 600 changes to the country's laws and regulations, covering multiple areas of the economy. The bill included significant reforms in the energy sector, with the goal of liberalizing it and making it more attractive to foreign investors. However, in late February, the government withdrew the omnibus bill ahead of an almost certain defeat in the Chamber of Deputies. Then on March 14, the Argentine Senate voted against a presidential decree with additional reforms to...

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