Greece: A Tough Road Awaits Athens' New Conservative Government

Jul 8, 2019 | 17:47 GMT


Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the leader of Greece's conservative New Democracy party, was sworn in as the country's new prime minister on July 8 after his party won the country's general election. New Democracy received roughly 40 percent of the vote in the July 7 contest, securing 158 of the 300 seats in the Greek parliament -- thereby ending the left-wing Syriza party's four and a half years in power.  Mitsotakis has promised to cut taxes, make Greece's labor market more flexible and turn the country into an overall more attractive destination for foreign investors. However, the new prime minister will inherit a country that is still very much reeling from the aftermath of a 10-year economic crisis, which will limit his administration's ability to pursue its ambitious pro-business agenda. ...

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