Immigration Drives a Deeper Wedge Between EU States

Apr 29, 2015 | 09:00 GMT

Immigration Drives a Deeper Wedge Between EU States
Tunisian skipper Mohammed Ali Malek (second from L) stands on the deck of the Italian Coast Guard ship Gregretti, which rescued 27 survivors from a migrant shipwreck in the Mediterranean, on April 20, 2015.

(TULLIO M. PUGLIA/Getty Images)


The European Union is once again struggling to come up with a coherent asylum strategy for its 28 members. In recent years, the rising number of asylum seekers entering the European Union through countries such as Italy and Greece has generated friction among member states, fueled criticism of the Schengen Agreement and contributed to the growing popularity of nationalist parties.

However, the European Union will not reform its asylum policies in any significant way. Member states will provide more financial assistance to Mediterranean countries, but they will refuse to accept quotas of immigrants over the coming months and years. Anti-immigration sentiments will persist across the Continent, putting substantial pressure on one of the European Union's founding principles: the free movement of people.

The bloc's inability to craft a coherent asylum policy will continue to undermine the free movement of people, one of its founding principles. ...

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