Nepal: New Elections Mark a New Direction

Dec 7, 2017 | 21:45 GMT


Nepal is marking a milestone on its pathway to democracy. The recent elections are an important step for the Himalayan country and its 29 million citizens in the transition from monarchy to federal democracy that began with the end of the country's civil war in 2006. On Dec. 7, Nepal held its second and final round of parliamentary elections, as well as elections for seven newly established provincial assemblies. Voting took place in 45 districts under the watch of 200,000 security personnel guarding polling stations across the country. Successful elections were crucial to the success of the 2015 constitution that was part of an effort to devolve power from the Kathmandu-based elites and place it into the hands of marginalized communities. Dec. 7 marked Nepal's first parliamentary and provincial elections under the new constitution....

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