A President's Aspirations Threaten Nigeria's Feeble Democracy

Nov 12, 2014 | 22:18 GMT

A President's Aspirations Threaten Nigeria's Feeble Democracy
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan (L) celebrates the country's 54th Independence anniversary in Lagos with Acting Police chief Suleiman Abba (C) and Airforce chief Air Vice Marshall Adesola Amosu (R).



Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan declared Nov. 11 that he would stand for re-election in February 2015. However, Jonathan's re-election bid, if successful, could destabilize Nigeria by effectively reversing the country's recent efforts to democratize. Backlash against Jonathan has led to a split within the ruling party and is dividing the population, which is already grappling with region-specific security and economic concerns.

Jonathan's bid for re-election will undermine a regional power-sharing deal, threatening the stability of the country....

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