Previewing Sierra Leone's Closely Contested General Election

Jun 23, 2023 | 19:12 GMT

Sierra Leone's president, Julius Maada Bio, waves to his supporters upon arriving at a campaign rally in Freetown on June 20, 2023, ahead of the country's general election.
Sierra Leone's president, Julius Maada Bio, waves to supporters upon arriving at a campaign rally in Freetown on June 20, 2023, ahead of the country's general election.

(JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images)

Sierra Leone's upcoming presidential election is expected to be close, which could trigger isolated incidents of violence. But the frontrunners' similar policy positions mean the West African country's economically important agricultural and mining sectors will likely remain relatively stable regardless of the outcome. Roughly 40% of Sierra Leone's 8.4 million people are slated to participate in presidential, parliamentary and local elections on June 24, in what will be the country's fifth general ballot since the end of its bloody 11-year civil war in 2002. There will likely be many contested races across the country for various regional positions and seats in the national legislature. But the presidential contest between incumbent candidate Julius Maada Bio and opposition leader Samura Kamara is set to be particularly tight, prompting concerns over a resurgence of violence. President Bio of the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) was part of a group of soldiers who...

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