The Real Effect of the Zika Virus

Feb 1, 2016 | 21:49 GMT

The Real Effect of the Zika Virus
A fumigation worker works to eradicate mosquitos in Recife, Brazil.

(Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The World Health Organization officially considers the Zika viral outbreak currently plaguing the Americas to be a global emergency. When considering the effect of disease on a geopolitical level it is important to consider not only the potential for a global epidemic, but the possible economic impacts as well. Containing and managing an outbreak incurs a significant monetary cost, as does dealing with large number of dead and infected. This can lead to severe disruptions in trade, accompanied by enhanced screening measures to prevent the transmission of the virus across borders. Developing treatment, cures and vaccines requires huge investment, as seen in the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa. And then there is the loss of productivity resulting not only from sickness but those refusing to work, or taking time off to care for infected relatives and loved ones. If the disease is neither deadly nor debilitating, however, the loss of...

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