A Referendum to Reheat Bosnia's Frozen Conflict

Sep 22, 2016 | 09:15 GMT

A Referendum to Reheat Bosnia's Frozen Conflict
A referendum over an ostensibly minor matter in one of Bosnia-Herzegovina's constituent substates highlights the enduring ethnic tensions in the country two decades after the end of the Bosnian war.

(MARCO SECCHI/Getty Images)

Two decades after the end of the Bosnian war, tensions in the country are once again on the rise. In Republika Srpska, one of Bosnia-Herzegovina's constituent substates, the government has scheduled a referendum on whether to continue observing its Statehood Day on Jan. 9. Even though a Bosnian court outlawed the vote, Republika Srpska plans to forge ahead. Although on the surface the Sept. 25 vote appears to concern a relatively minor issue, it illustrates that in the more than 20 years since the war's end, Bosnia's conflicts have not been resolved but merely frozen....

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