Reversing a Controversial Law Won’t End Somalia's Political Crisis

May 4, 2021 | 20:14 GMT

A member of parliament gestures in response to the president’s request to annul a law extending his term in Mogadishu, Somalia, on May 1, 2021.

A member of parliament gestures in response to the president’s request to annul a law extending his term in Mogadishu, Somalia, on May 1, 2021.

(AFP via Getty Images)

A decision not to extend Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s mandate will alleviate the immediate security crisis in Mogadishu, but continued political turmoil will disrupt the implementation of security and economic reforms needed to stabilize the country. On May 1, Mohamed and the lower house of parliament formally annulled a controversial law that would have extended his term by two years after clashes in Mogadishu sparked concern that Somalia could return violence along clan lines. The decision will restore an agreement that Somali leaders reached in September to hold the country’s delayed presidential election under an indirect system. Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has since invited the leaders of Somalia’s five federal member states to participate in another round of talks starting May 20 to organize the election, with the hopes of finally ending months of gridlock on how to move forward with the vote. ...

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