Switzerland Calls Off EU Partnership Talks -- For Now

May 27, 2021 | 16:13 GMT

Switzerland's national flag (left) is pictured next to the EU flag at the European Commission building in Brussels, Belgium.

Switzerland's national flag (left) is pictured next to the EU flag at the European Commission building in Brussels, Belgium.


Switzerland’s decision not to update its partnership agreement with the European Union will create bilateral trade disruptions in the future as the existing deals expire or become outdated. Still, Bern and Brussels could eventually return to the negotiating table. Switzerland on May 26 put an end to talks with the European Union over a deal to update and upgrade their economic partnership. The Swiss government said that the deal would go against the country’s interests, but urged the European Union to preserve their existing ties. Under Switzerland’s political system, any deal would have to be ratified in a referendum. Right-wing parties are critical of the deal while polls suggest that voters could reject it, which probably influenced the Swiss government’s decision to end the negotiation.  ...

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