An Unstable Lesotho Risks Provoking South Africa

Jun 20, 2014 | 20:14 GMT

An Unstable Lesotho Risks Provoking South Africa
Lesotho's prime minister, Tom Thabane, attends the 2012 Harare Agricultural Show.



A political crisis in Lesotho has left the parliament paralyzed as the military mobilizes in the capital of Maseru. Although the fallout from a change of government, even a potential coup, would be largely contained in Lesotho itself, South Africa has a vested interest in maintaining stability in the landlocked country. The need to prevent any disruption to South Africa's water supply or a possible wave of refugees could prompt President Jacob Zuma to intervene and restore order in Lesotho, as his country did in 1998.

If political unrest in the small African nation leads to military action, South Africa may have to intervene....

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