The Untapped Potential of Lake Victoria

Jan 26, 2017 | 09:45 GMT

The Untapped Potential of Lake Victoria
For hundreds of years, fishermen have plied the waters of Lake Victoria. The lake's rich fisheries and the fertile surrounding highlands have long made it the center of a thriving population.

(CARL DE SOUZA/AFP/Getty Images)

Sub-Saharan Africa has never produced what, at least on a global scale, could be regarded in the field of geopolitics as a great power. But the continent continually has been molded by its own clearly defined power dynamics, the geographic foundations of which have remained recognizable throughout history. The region in East Africa surrounding Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake, is one such place where geography remains central to the landscape of power today. The East African Community combines Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania into a single economic and political bloc. While the organization does not exactly bring the area under unified rule, it has helped knit the region's interests together, strengthening its position. Perhaps most notable development has been the creation of a transport infrastructure that has helped tame the fractured geography of the region. This effort is still a work in progress, but the emphasis on rail and road...

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