Venezuela's Opposition Poised to Make Gains

Jan 22, 2015 | 17:37 GMT

enezuela's Opposition Poised to Make Gains
Venezuelan opposition leader and Miranda state Gov. Henrique Capriles Radonski addresses reporters at a Jan. 14 press conference in Caracas.



With Venezuela deep in an economic crisis, the most prominent leader among its political opposition, former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski of the Mesa de la Unidad Democratica coalition, has called for a protest in Caracas on Jan. 24 that will be accompanied by national demonstrations. The country's politically active student protest movements have also called for nationwide demonstrations to take place Jan. 23. The renewed protest activity suggests that the Venezuelan opposition, which for nearly a decade was too internally divided and politically unpopular to threaten the government in elections, will try to capitalize on public discontent to make gains in the legislative elections tentatively scheduled for late 2015. For the opposition, taking control of the legislature would be a significant political victory that could grant it greater control over certain aspects of the government's domestic policies.

Venezuela's economic woes have given the opposition an opportunity to contest the government's hold on parliament. ...

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