West Africa Considers Action in Gambia

Jan 4, 2017 | 22:40 GMT

West Africa Contemplates a Gambian Conundrum
Before Yahya Jammeh rescinded his concession in the recent election, Gambia was preparing for the longtime president's departure. But his decision to contest the results has thrown the country into a political crisis.

(SEYLLOU/AFP/Getty Images)

It appears that Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is ready to do whatever it takes to maintain his hold on power. Jammeh, who conceded defeat shortly after the Dec. 1 presidential contest only to rescind his concession days later, has rejected the constitutionally mandated deadline to step down and instead lodged an election fraud case with Gambia's highest court. He has been rallying support from the country's military and security services, who fear prosecution for reported human rights abuses in Gambia, much as he does. There are also unconfirmed reports that Jammeh has enlisted the services of armed mercenaries to help him maintain his office. Now the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a 15-country bloc of which Gambia is a member, is deliberating over a possible military intervention aimed at ending Jammeh's nearly 22-year reign....

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