

Australia, Pacific Islands: Summit Produces Regional Policing Agreement

Aug 28, 2024 | 18:46 GMT

Vanuatu: New Prime Minister Could Shake Up Pacific Island Diplomacy

Sep 5, 2023 | 16:01 GMT

Pacific Islands: Flurry of Visits Highlights Region's Growing Strategic Importance

Jul 27, 2023 | 19:44 GMT

Vanuatu: Pacific Island Nations Prioritize Climate Change

May 31, 2022 | 19:16 GMT

China: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Expands Membership

Dec 19, 2017 | 18:59 GMT

France: Delegates Approve Paris Climate Change Deal

Dec 12, 2015 | 19:04 GMT
Stratfor's graphic of the day features a standout geopolitical map, chart, image or data visualization reflecting global and regional trends and events.
GraphicsDec 14, 2015
Paris Agreement Emphasizes Shift Away From Oil
Delegates attend a plenary session at the U.N. climate change summit in Paris on Dec. 9.
AssessmentsDec 13, 2015
Climate Agreement Will Only Hasten Transition Beyond Oil